Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's the plan man?

So anytime I have ever had real success with weight loss in the past, it has been through low carb dieting. Leading up to our wedding last year, Jon and I both lost 60 pounds and felt great. Well post wedding, the carbs moved back in and we managed to put most of that weight back on. Damn carbs, they are like bad guests who you have a hard time getting rid of. We have dabbled with low carb a few times since but our bodies seem really resistant to the program.

*Let me make a little side note and confession about myself here: I am THE most impatient dieter on earth. I like to see results and I like to see them fast. It drives my husband insane because if I don't see results fast, I change the game plan. Now being a nutritionist, you would think I would know that slow and steady wins the race right? Let's not forget that I am a fat nutritionist and an Aries at that. I want it all and I want it now!!!*

Back to our story and how I ended up on the program I am on now. I went to my Doctor for my yearly physical, knowing she was not going to be a happy camper about my weight being back up. Oddly, my 3 days of near starvation didn't really make a difference on her scale (GRRR!!!). So I went, very hungry and very bitchy. When she walked into the room, she looked awesome. She had lost 50 pounds. Of course I asked her how and she told me.

The program she used was one I was a little familiar with because I had seen it before in some of the health food stores I take care of. I had always ignored it because it was a network marketing product which to me usually means over-priced and under-performing. I thought "Oh you poor fool Dr, you have been drawn in by those evil people and brainwashed" but you can't argue with results so I decided to have an open mind.

So I went home, still unconvinced but with websites to check out and DVD's to watch. I was SHOCKED by what I found. This company has had over 100 people lose over 100 pounds on their products, 7 people lose over 200 pounds and one dude has lost over 300 pounds!! Now outside of gastric bypass, this level of long term success is unheard of! Not only that but the formulas of the products are very impressive. Rich in B vitamins and minerals, good quality protein and fiber. Organic ingredients where possible. It looked like a nutritionists (fat or otherwise) dream program. Likely tasted terrible but I figured it was worth a try so I called my Doctor and said "Hook a sister up with a 30 day program". 2 days later it arrived and so far so good. I will post more later about how it works.

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