Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Goal setting 101

Most successful people in the world know what they want and they have a plan to get it. Goal setting is consistent trait among top achievers especially with regards to fitness and business. It makes sense right? You are training for a marathon, you have milestones or things you need to accomplish to get there. You see yourself finishing that race but there is a process of training to get to that finish line.

In my professional life, I have always been a goal setter and it has led to a lot of success for me. I work in sales and if I didn't have goals or quotas, I would have nothing to strive for. But I have never consistently done goal setting in my personal life. Sure, I have set goals on New Years Eve to get in shape and have more fun etc. But I have never truly set goals in writing and kept them in the forefront of my mind.

One of my favorite business Gurus is Brian Tracy. He talks a lot about the process of goal setting in all of his books on sales and self improvement. Being that I want to be a top achiever now for my health, I am going to use the tools he sets out to set some goals for myself and I will share those tips with you.

  • Goals must be PRESENT, PERSONAL and POSITIVE. So an example would be:

"I am smoke-free" is better than "Quit smoking".

  • Goals must be measurable and have a time line:

"I am smoke-free by November 2nd, 2008"

  • Goals are 100 times more effective if written down and 1000 times more effective if rewritten every day. Have a book by your bed or on your desk that you write and rewrite your goals in everyday.
  • Goals are very personal and some people may decide to keep them private but sometimes sharing those goals creates a sense of accountability. I have shared with you my goal to lose 150 pounds, now I need to make it personal, positive and present to make it really effective. That would look something like:

"I weigh X pounds by July 2009" (still not quite ready to announce my weight)

I have seen the power of setting goals in my career now I am going to harness that power and apply it to my health. I hope these tips help you be able to do the same if you so choose.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hey girl! Just letting you know I am following along! You are doing an awesome job! I LOVE your writing style - straight-forward and to the point. Clear and concise. I have learned a ton! Glad things are going well! YIPPEE