Monday, September 1, 2008

Why do I feel sooooo "burned out"? PART TWO

So once you figure out that your adrenals are running on empty, what can you do?
First thing is to try to remove the stressors in your life as much as possible or remove yourself from the stress by going on vacation. Jon and I rented a cottage for 2 weeks this summer and I noticed a difference in my energy levels within one day. If you are over-burdened at work, try to delegate some responsibilities elsewhere. If you need more help at home, hire a cleaning service or kick your partners ass. If you have friends who are dragging you down, distance yourself. You have to get as much of this stress under control as you can. It isn't easy but to get better, it is necessary.

The second thing you have to do is to change your sleeping habits. Try to be in bed by 10 pm (people with adrenal fatigue tend to get a second wind after 11 pm). Start winding down around 8 by turning all the lights down and trying to stay away from the TV or computer screen. The next point is VERY important: In the mornings try to sleep in as late as possible, to 9 AM if able. Between the hours of 7 and 9 AM your body produces the most cortisol that it will in the day so you will awake feeling much more rested and ready to take on the day. Take melatonin before bed if you have a hard time falling and staying asleep.

Food: What to eat and what to avoid
  • Begin each morning with a glass of water with a sprinkle of sea salt in it (about a 1/2 teaspoon). If you suffer from high blood pressure skip this step.
  • ALWAYS eat breakfast and preferably by 10 am.
  • Skip fruit at breakfast and focus on high protein and grains. Fruit will spike your blood sugar too rapidly. Always avoid fruits that are high in potassium such as bananas,oranges and figs.
  • Stay away from caffeine and refined sugars such as chocolate. I know it sucks but these stimulants further stress the adrenal glands and hopefully in time you will find you won't need them to keep you going throughout the day.
  • Eat a high protein snack before bed if you have trouble falling asleep such as cottage cheese or yogurt.

There are also some good supplements you can take:

  • Vitamin C daily 1000-2000 mgs
  • Vitamin E mixed tocopherols 800 IU a day (2 x 400 IU capsules)
  • B complex 50 mg twice daily plus added Pantothenic acid (1000 - 1500 mg/day).
  • Magnesium citrate (400 mg) taken after 8 pm.
  • AdrenaSENSE by Lorna Vanderhauge is a great supplement that contains many of the herbs (called adaptogens) that are recommended for strengthening the adrenals. It is easier than taking them all seperately. Another wonderful tonic filled with adaptogens and B vitamins is Ionix Supreme.
  • You can also take adrenal extract (which is basically adrenal gland from bovine sources) and DHEA hormones but I only recommend doing this under the supervision and guidance of a Naturopathic doctor.

Adrenal fatigue takes quite a long time to remedy but you can feel the effects of some of these changes pretty quickly. Try sleeping in as much as possible and removing stress. Exercise is important but don't overwork your body. Keep it to brisk walking and light resistance training.

If you have any more questions about adrenal fatigue just drop me a line at Finding out that I had this syndrome has helped me immensely towards getting my life and energy back. Hopefully this info can help you.

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